Terrific, Group 2!

On Thursday, Group 2 began their direct instruction lesson about the universe and the inner planets.  Group 2, throughout their entire lesson, was able to incorporate so much technology which I thought was great.  The students were so engaged in their lesson because they were able to see a live stream of the earth and they watched videos. 

All of the teachers in this group spoke loud and clear.  They definitely were using their teacher voices throughout their lesson, and they had very engaging techniques to refocus the class.  They used the little saying: "mac and cheese, eyes on me" and the students say "beef stew eyes on you."  On both days, the students absolutely loved this! However, I noticed that it is important to watch your voice level when you say the first part to this which is mac and cheese eyes on me.  If you say this loudly, the students are going to respond loud and they start to get out of control.  If you say it quietly, the students will speak quietly back and it keeps everything at a quieter level.

Group 2 also included a "Kahoot!" in their lesson. A Kahoot is a game that the teacher(s) create.  The Kahoot's include multiple choice questions about any topic you are teaching in your classroom. The students can then play the Kahoot that you created from any device that has internet access.  To begin making your Kahoot today, click here! The Kahoot was their guided practice with the students, and everyone loved it.  The students were all collaborating together to answer the question that flashed up on the board. 

During a game that can be competitive like Kahoot, I think that it is important to give the students the rules for the game they are playing and to always implement any classroom management system in place.  If this is all being done, then it should run smoothly. A game like this can get competitive, and it gets the students excited so, their voice levels start to go up in the classroom.

On Tuesday, group 2 did their inquiry lesson.  Before they started their lesson, they had the students complete a review sheet of the inner planets that they had learned about the lesson before.  This was a great way for the students to remember what they learned, and they were able to use it for the inquiry lesson.

The inquiry lesson that group 2 did involved a mystery bag. The students went through the scientific method by feeling the objects that were in the bag.  The different objects that the kids felt (whether it was hot, cold, sandy, etc.) they had to try and figure out what inner planet they had by using the clues in the mystery bag and the review sheet they completed before.  The students were so excited this whole lesson. I really enjoyed watching the groups work because their lesson promoted so much collaboration between the students.  They were really going through the steps of inquiry, and they were investigating their learning by using their own knowledge, their clues, and their review sheet. 

The mystery bag is definitely something I would like to incorporate into my future classroom.  It puts an element of surprise into what you are teaching, and it gets the students very excited to learn.  They really want to know it is in that bag!

Overall, group 2 had very successful lessons and they did a terrific job!

P.S. When pictures of the lesson become available, I will post them!


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