Happy Thanksgiving.... From The International Space Station?

The holiday season is upon us and we recently just celebrated Thanksgiving.  This is a time where you reflect on all of the things that you are grateful and thankful for, you spend quality time with your family and friends, and you eat delicious home cooked food.  The holidays are my favorite time of the year.  I love spending time with my family and taking the time to realize how blessed I am. 

Unfortunately, some people don't have the opportunity to spend time with their family and eat all of the yummy food during the holidays.  Some of the astronauts that are stationed at the International Space Station had to celebrate Thanksgiving with their fellow astronauts. 

After teaching space technology to the fourth graders, I have a new found interest in what is going on in space and what NASA is up to.  I was recently poking around on NASA's Twitter account and found that they posted a video that showed astronauts that were celebrating Thanksgiving in space. The astronauts are pictured to the right!  I thought this was really interesting to see since Thanksgiving has just passed, and on Thanksgiving day did you really think of astronauts being space?? I would assume that you most likely did not.  I know that I didn't! The video was very interesting and it showed that the astronauts don't really eat the same food as we would.  It comes in white packs and they have to re-hydrate the food that is in it. 

As people on Earth, we might think that it is a little sad that the astronauts were unable to spend the holiday with their families.  However, the astronauts are hard at work and are looking forward to being able to spend the holidays with their families next year!

I am excited to see if they post a video for Christmas! I wonder if there will be a Christmas tree? If you would like to view the video of the Thanksgiving on the International Space Station, click here.

Here is the link to see how Thanksgiving is prepped in space! To the left is a photo of their meal on the table.

Lastly, this is the link to the NASA twitter page, just in case you want to see their most current space discoveries and plans.  Enjoy!


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