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I Completed Science Methods?

I cannot believe the semester is over! I honestly did not think that I would be saying that right now! The time flew by really fast and we did so much all semester.  Doing all of the assignments and tasks in Science Methods taught me how to be a digital educator, which is extremely important today. For the last day of class, Dr. Smirnova brought in pierogis for the class to enjoy and we went over our e-folios.  As of the last day of class, my e-folio was not completely finished.  I need to still finish the unit plan component to it and to add edTPA  task 2, which is the video of my fieldwork group teaching. If you would like to visit my e-folio, click this link! Creating the e-folio was a good experience.  It was very satisfying seeing all the work I have done in Science Methods come together! During Science Methods, the greatest learning experience I got from this was the fieldwork.  This was my first time standing in front of an entire class and teaching them.  This was a gre

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